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Saddle Saga

I took a yen to owm a bike,
For speed to me appeals,
And started out in search for one
Of red shade, with 2 wheels.
The bargain that I struck at last
Proved I had lots of buy-sense,
But I got pinched for riding it
Without a “Pedaler’s License!”

by Ray Romine Tuesday, August 7, 1951

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Pedal, Pedal, Toil And Treadle

A sort of happy medium
I think I’ve found in biking:
It relieves the auto’s tedium
Without the strain of hiking.

But I’d relinquish my two-wheeled treasure,
Nor miss its lustrous sheen,
Could I trade the darned thing (with pleasure)
For some tires* and gasoline!

*If you think this refers to bicycle tires, kindly help
yourself to another guess.

by Ray Romine Tuesday, August 10, 1943

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Necessity Was The Father Of The Bicycle

Sez the guy on the(*1)
Ration-board to me:
“It’s bike or hike–
You want the bike?”
Naturally, I answered “Yessir”.
I’m no sage, but claim
That I always aim
Of two evils to grab me the lesser.

But after two weeks(*2)
My anatomy(*3) speaks:
“I wonder,
By thunder!”

(*1) I well remember an argument between another kid and myself when I was in the first grade: his teacher’d told him this word was pronounced “thee”–my teacher pronounced it “thuh”. Of course, I still think I’m right, but for the purpose of this epic, I lean temporarily toward the opposition–pronounce it “thee”. This is known as poet’s license. Which makes me a licensed poet, but I have no Union Card.

(*2) Some people catch on much more quickly than others, but the amount of upholstering the rider has largely determines this period.

(*3) This word, while a bit vague, will clarify itself to a
remarkable degree of definitiveness to any individual
with a dictionary AND a bicycle.

by Ray Romine Wednesday, August 11, 1943

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Natural Sequence

Who would have the realization
Of what Pride is truly like,
Note this sure-fire combination:
Little girl with brand-new bike .

And too, if you will recall,
This type of Pride preceedeth Fall!

by Ray Romine Friday, August 31, 1951