Sez the guy on the(*1)
Ration-board to me:
“It’s bike or hike–
You want the bike?”
Naturally, I answered “Yessir”.
I’m no sage, but claim
That I always aim
Of two evils to grab me the lesser.
But after two weeks(*2)
My anatomy(*3) speaks:
“I wonder,
By thunder!”
(*1) I well remember an argument between another kid and myself when I was in the first grade: his teacher’d told him this word was pronounced “thee”–my teacher pronounced it “thuh”. Of course, I still think I’m right, but for the purpose of this epic, I lean temporarily toward the opposition–pronounce it “thee”. This is known as poet’s license. Which makes me a licensed poet, but I have no Union Card.
(*2) Some people catch on much more quickly than others, but the amount of upholstering the rider has largely determines this period.
(*3) This word, while a bit vague, will clarify itself to a
remarkable degree of definitiveness to any individual
with a dictionary AND a bicycle.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, August 11, 1943