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You Only Get It Working At It

In an effort to stifle a creditor,
I sent some verses to ‘n editor,
Who mailed them back with a little note:
“Get yourself a name first, son”, he wrote.

So I called on several more Eds., in person,
And each a little than the last was worse’n–
“I’d like to, lad, but I wouldn’t durst–
You’re a bit raw: get some experience first.”

Experience, dear editors, is what I crave–
But ADVICE is all that you guys me gave:
Some more advice, please, to me impart–
Just how does an EDITOR GET HIS START?

written in 15 minutes at bedtime…

by Ray Romine Saturday, May 1, 1943

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Please keep your sound advice, my friend;
You sold me on it, true–
Almost, I mean; but please come clean:
What has it done for you?

by Ray Romine Thursday, January 25, 1951

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To A Young Lady Who Feels inferior

The winter’s sun, seen briefly
When all’s been clouds for days,
Has a glory he can’t equal
With all of summer’s blaze.

You cry. You aren’t perfect.
Be glad, my darling, for
It makes each flash of genius
Appreciated more!

by Ray Romine Wednesday, January 8, 1947

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One-part Angel

The good that deep within us sings
Reveals itself in trifling things.
The miser, crabbed, warped, aloof,
Talks to the pigeons on his roof.
Who drops a dog a friendly pat
Is easier to like for that.
He has a good side, Heaven knows,
Vho stops and bends to smell a rose.
Man walked with God before he fell;
If you would judge him, know him well.

by Ray Romine Tuesday, May 13, 1952

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On Guard!

“Up and at those problems!
Advance! Be bold! Attack!”
While such advice is very nice,
Why not some other tack?

For my experience tells me,
Before the fight commences,
That, not so slow, my problems know
The latest in defenses.

by Ray Romine Wednesday, April 11, 1951

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Now See Here

Few of our lives are perfect, brothers,
Enough to let us rail at others,
And that’s why most admonishing
Is less effective than astonishing.

by Ray Romine Monday, August 27, 1951

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Man may well rejoice;
He may point with aplomb
If he succeeds dodging
His own atom bomb;
Yet it’s well to recall,
If too quickly we grow smug,
The swimmer and bathtub,
The wrestler and throw-rug.

by Ray Romine Thursday, April 24, 1952

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Mother Advises Daughter

Small spirit, trusting, cheerful, frank–
To everyone but daddy;
For he will scowl and smack and spank,
As though the license had he.
When daddy’s home, sweet, toe the mark:
Put on your best deportment;
Do nothing to ignite his spark–
I’d hide that toy assortment.

I’d greet him daily with a kiss
Both gooey and auspicious–
And he’ll say “What a lovely miss”–
(Or else he’ll be suspicious).
To have your way with daddy-pops,
Be sweet and cheerful comma
And anytime the system flops,
Why, emulate your momma!

It’s pretty awful, yes, my own,
But take him as you find him:
He seems to think, and he alone,
That daughter ought to mind him!
He’s not aware, at least as yet
The over-grown. colossus,
That boys and girls TODAY, my pet,
In truth are their OWN BOSSES!

by Ray Romine Sunday, August 15, 1943