Footsteps stir September’s leaves;
Ants point the air and hurry home;
The wind incontinently grieves
Beneath the sky’s forbidding dome.
Dried flower heads bow low in fear;
Dust rises in a giddy spin;
The clouds eke out one small tight sear
For summer–and the rains begin.
by Ray Romine Monday, September 10, 1951
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Submissions / Sales
Media name: Saturday Evening Post
Date Submitted: 07/13/1952
Media name: Washington Star
Date Submitted: 08/05/1952
Media name: New York Times (Daily)
Date Submitted: 08/24/1952
Media name: Christian Science Forum
Date Submitted: 09/03/1952
Media name: Cleveland Plain Dealer
Date Submitted: 09/18/1952
Media name: Toronto Star
Date Submitted: 05/30/1953
Media name: The Oregonian
Date Submitted: 06/15/1953
Date Sold: 06/24/1953
Amount: 1.00