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After Being In Woods With Enthusiast

However anthered, whorled, or jivey,
Plants to me are Poison Ivy.

From Dusseldorf to Attica,
I ignore Hepatica.

And take your Eupatorium–
I have no uses forium.

I do not ever go on searches
For Bloodroot, Dandelions or Birches.

Butternuts or Elms or Ashes
Are so many rooted rashes.

I’m even apt to hurry faster,
Should you point me out an Aster.

I leave to Nature and to God
All the forms of Goldenrod.

And Ragweed is a gay deceiver-What
is it except Hay-fever?

And though it WALKS or runs, a dern
Fern, to me, is just a Fern!

The urge it takes to study Botany–
Could be, I guess, I haven’t gotany.

The green world, though, you can not beat it-You
have to either starve–or eat it….

by Ray Romine Monday, September 23, 1946

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