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Inspired By Salem Sunday School

I paused awhile upon a hill, the city far below,
And sew the garish, blinking lights that man has made to glow.
I sensed the pompous ego there–man’s voice imperious, vain,
Seemed mingled with the boasting glare, of common birth the twain.

I raised my eyes to heaven then and saw the lamps of God
That twinkle forth so quietly, on paths no man may trod;
I found the Pleiades, that wounds in Taurus’ shoulder be,
And Sirius swung across the sky at fierce Orion’s knee.

How truly great, magnificent! Each tiny point of light
Is sun so huge it dwttrfs our own, an overwhelming might
Of flame and gas, a whirling mass, all wrought on scale so grand
When measured with, our universe is but a grain of sand.

Those self-same shapes Christ looked upon two thousand years ago;
Our great-greet-great grandchildren will still see them there, we know:
But man’s brief flash he boasts about will long as candle last–
How will he scratch the track of time when future scans the past?

I stood and mused upon a hill, the city down below,
And sew the raucous, glaring lights that man has made to glow:
I sensed the pompous ego there–I turned my eyes to Thee,
And glimpsed the light that from thy stars dost teach humility.

by Ray Romine Monday, October 27, 1941

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