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Amazing Limericks

A chap all but bald was McDaizing,
Til a pal showed him “Stories Amazing”.
We know now that you
Are gonna whisper “poo-pooh!”
But you really should see his “hair-raising”.

A young guy from Mars they called “Skeeter”
Got all hepped up ’bout rhythm and meter.
“I have it,” cried he–.
“A Shakespeare I’ll be.”
And so came the first Martian theatre!

A goon from the moon called Bub Oona
Steered for the Earth his balloona;
But a short look, and how!
Was sufficient, and now,
He’s a satisfied goona on Luna!

A Venusian dance-teacher, Zat-Gug-Ging,
To the Earth sent his two-seater chugging;
“It’s bodacious,” he cried,
“I have never quite spied
Any war dance like their jitter-bugging.”

A healthy young chap was McPhusted,
Who boasted he’d never be busted;
Til a bridge one fine day
‘Neath his half-ton gave ‘way–
A robot, McPhusted has rusted!

by Ray Romine Wednesday, December 1, 1943

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